Ivy League/Law school graduates, Ph.D./College Professor, and other experienced SAT/ACT/GRE teachers on staff.
Course Descriptions:
1. 1-to-1 private tutoring of any subjects
Incl. SAT, SAT II, ACT and any school subjects; available 1, 1.5 or 2 hours per lesson with flexible schedule.
2. SAT Verbal class (incl. critical reading & writing sections)
Over the course, students will learn both the skills and strategies to succeed on the verbal sections of the test. This course reveiews the verbal skills for high school students planning to take the SAT, one of the key measurement tools that colleges use in making admission and financial aid decisions. Students take pratice tests and learn key information, test-taking strategies, shortcuts and traps to avoid. Students can and should prepare for this grueling four-hour exam by reviewing academic skills and learning test taking strategies. By the end of the session, all students will possess the confidence and know-how to maximize their individual performance on the SAT exam. Students will be required to secure an SAT book “the Official SAT Study Guide”, 2nd edition published by the College Board (ISBN-13: 978-0874478525).
We suggest you to take Course #3 "SAT Math" also if you would like to improve your math score.
3. SAT Math class
Over the course, students will learn both the skills and strategies to succeed on the math sections of the test. This course reveiews the math skills for high school students planning to take the SAT, one of the key measurement tools that colleges use in making admission and financial aid decisions. Students take pratice tests and learn key information, test-taking strategies, shortcuts and traps to avoid. Students can and should prepare for this grueling four-hour exam by reviewing academic skills and learning test taking strategies. By the end of the session, all students will possess the confidence and know-how to maximize their individual performance on the SAT exam. Students will be required to secure an SAT book “the Official SAT Study Guide”, 2nd edition published by the College Board (ISBN-13: 978-0874478525).
We suggest you to take Course #2 "SAT Verbal" also if you would like to improve your verbal score.
4. CTY SAT (For grades 6 - 8)
Similar to Course #2 & 3: Standard SAT class but concentrated in math and reading parts only because CTY only considers the Mathematics and Critical Reading sections for awards and course eligibility. Students will be required to secure an SAT book “the Official SAT Study Guide”, 2nd edition published by the College Board (ISBN-13: 978-0874478525).
5. Pre-Algebra (For grades 6 - 8)
This course will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen their basic mathematical skills, while working on an introduction to Algebra. Students will be introduced to the algebra concepts of integers, equations, inequalities, and exponents; there is also a unit on informal geometry.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
6. Algebra I (For grades 7 - 9)
This course will cover algebra in one and two variables through the solution of quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, and by formula. This course will stress the structure and logical development of mathematics. Students enrolling in this course should have completed Pre-Algebra.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
7. Geometry (For grades 8-10)
This course will cover plane geometry with elements of analytic and solid geometry, nature of proof, development of theorems from definitions and axioms, constructions, original exercises and numerical examples, analytic geometry of the straight line, and the circle. Students enrolling in this course should have completed Algebra 1.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
8. Algebra II with Trigonometry (For grades 9-11)
In this Algebra II course, students will study functions and expand on the concepts covered in Algebra I, and many of the concepts covered in Geometry. Topics covered are: linear and quadratic equations and functions; systems of equations and inequalities; polynomials and rational polynomial expressions; polynomial functions; conic sections; exponential and logarithmic functions; probability and statistics. Satisfactory completion of this course prepares students for entry into Pre-Calculus or Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry.
This course is aligned to the New Jersey State Standards for mathematics. For more information on the state mathematics standards, please visit here.

● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
9. Pre-Calculus (For grades 10-11)
This course will review and study intermediate algebra, analytic geometry, function and inverse function, log and exponential functions, trigonometry, complex induction, limits, continuity, and derivatives of polynomials. Students will be required to have a graphing calculator. Students enrolling in this course should have completed Algebra II and Trigonometry.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
10. Calculus (For grades 11-12)
This course will follow the curriculum of the AP Exam as defined by ETS. Topics will include analytic geometry, along with both differential and integral calculus. The course will spend a fair amount of time on the applications of the calculus. Students will be required to have a graphing calculator. Students enrolling in this course should have completed Pre-Calculus.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
11. Middle School Reading/Writing Workshop (For grades 6-8)
Through lectures, readings, class discussions, and writing assignments, students will be engaged in the study of formal structures, thematic associations, and modes of expression in various types of literature. This course will explore novels, plays, non-fictional and fictional short stories, and journalistic-type prose. Students will develop their skills of close reading and analytical writing, regardless of skill level. The course will promote vocabulary, word usage, style, organization, mechanics, logic, and revision skills essential to each student’s academic success. Students will also learn how best to employ structure at the sentence, paragraph, and essay level.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for any time periods if we have enough registrants (3-6 students per class).
12. High School Reading/Writing Workshop + PSAT (For grades 9-12)
Through lectures, readings, class discussions, and writing assignments, students will learn how to improve Reading in the Content Areas (i.e., English Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science). The intention of this course is to improve student ability in critical reading and writing across the disciplines. As such, it focuses on how to evaluate the reliability of sources and how to understand propaganda techniques through reading. Students will learn how to read texts from a wide variety of genres, including poetry, essays, plays, novels, nonfictional and fictional short stories, and timely newspaper and magazine articles. In this regard, the course augments the schemata (background knowledge) of students by having them read a steady diet of various texts, including noteworthy magazine and newspaper articles. Also explored is the reading-writing connection and how reading and writing have a symbiotic relationship. Students are prepared for standardized tests, including PSAT/SAT preparation. The class is also designed to teach how to ameliorate student vocabulary, sentence completion questions, and grammar on the PSAT/SAT.
● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for any time periods if we have enough registrants (3-6 students per class).
13. ESL (English as a Second Language)
Please see "ESL" under the navigation menu "Courses" tab or click here.

● The small gorup class will be run from Monday to Thursday (or Friday); 2 hours/lesson per day.
● This course is available for all time periods if we have enough registrants.
14. ACT classes
Available upon request.
15. College Planning; College Essays & Doctoral Theses Revision
Experienced Ivy League Graduate College Planners will help you on college planning/applications and college essays revisions. Available upon request.
16. Public Speaking & Interview Skills + Writing (For ALL grades)
Presentation and communication skills are extremely important in our everyday life. We hired top tier law school gradutes to help your child communicate in public with confidence. The course also includes writing skills enchancement.
Instructor: First tier law school graduate; practicing attorneys