We periodically offer FREE seminars for parents & students who would like updated information for college preparation.

Topics: The Redesigned SAT in 2016
Time: Wednesday 1/14/15, 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Montville Twp. Library
90 Horseneck Rd, Montville, NJ 07045
Tel: (973) 402-0900

Speech Abstract: The Redesigned SAT in 2016
The SAT will be going through a significant transformation beginning in 2016. The last major change was effected in 2005. Many parents will have children taking the old and others taking the new. We will discuss the continued importance of the current exam and how to prepare appropriately. Current high school freshmen and sophomores will be impacted by the new exam. However, those sophomores who desire to take the SAT earlier (early junior year) may still take the current format (check with colleges). The seminar format will begin with a short introduction followed by Q&A. On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The College Board issued more detailed explanation about the new format; for futher information, please see the following URL.
講題摘要: 解析2016年的新SAT
從2016年起新的SAT (Redesigned SAT)將取代現有的SAT考試。上一次的重大改變是在2005年。現在11年級的學生人仍參加現有的SAT考試。現在9年級和10年級的學生將有機會開始參加新的考試。大學理事會(College Board)於2014年4月16日發表了長達200多頁關於新SAT規格的文件。講座將開始於介紹新的SAT改變和如何準備,然後開放給家長及學生回答來賓問題。

If you have any questions regarding this event, please call SAT by MBA Educational Constulting at (973) 960-9093.